Bridal Bouquet Breakdown

This Friday's Bridal Bouquet Breakdown is an easy one because the bouquet is all roses! 'Freedom' roses to be exact! My all time favorite red rose variety. All paired with some bling and a bit of Pittosporum foliage to finish it off.

Many of the brides I meet with think that standard roses will be too expensive for their bouquets, but in fact, roses are actually one of the more economical choices for your flowers. And so gorgeous! Garden roses, which are all the rage right now,  are equally as gorgeous, but cost about 3 times as much as a standard roses. That's where the cost can add up!

This stunning bouquet was created for a Beauty and the Beast themed shoot, so obviously red roses were the perfect choice! Check out the rest of the shoot featured here and here. Thanks to By Mari Photography for the amazing pics!

By Mari Photography

By Mari Photography